The Big Garden Bird Watch

This week, we have taken part in the Big Garden Bird Watch. Today we identified and sorted birds from other animals, listened to bird sounds through story then went outside the create our own bird feeder and hunt for birds. The children were thrilled by this and were very excited when they spotted some swifts soaring through the sky in the wind. Can the children recall any of the birds names that they learnt today at home. Maybe you could get outside this weekend to see if you can spot any magpies, pigeons, robins, blackbirds or blue tits?

Mince Pie Baking

We are very much in the festive spirit now and preparations are coming along nicely for our Christmas stay and play. Today we have been making mince pies for our families to enjoy during thier visit.

Our Library Visit

What a wonderful time we had visiting Moortown Library last week. It was a joy to have so many parents join us on our community trip. The children loved listening to stories, choosing their own books to read and even bringing a few books back to school to read at Nursery. Thank you to Madeleine Wood for leading the session.