This week we enjoyed a wonderful visit to the farm. We started off our day by boarding the coach which was very exciting. The children enjoyed looking out of the windows to talk about what they could see during on the journey. Once at the farm, we had the opportunity to meet lots of different farm animals and even saw some brand new baby animals, such as calves, lambs and piglet. Could you help your children to use the names of the baby animals at home by talking to them about the visit? We used our noticing skills as we talked about the features of the animals and did lots of questioning, particularly to the farmers who were cleaning and feeding the animals.

Following our visit to the farm we enjoyed lots of different activities to encourage us to talk about what we saw, including painting farm animals, role playing with baby animal puppets and singing Old McDonald. Take a look at our fabulous pig paintings.
Could you sing Old McDonald at home this week, maybe whilst on a car journey or before bed? Maybe the children could describe their favourite animal to you or even have a go at drawing their favourite animal.

Thank you once again to all of the parents and staff who were able to during support this wonderful trip.