Firework Fun

The children have been very excited to share their recent experiences of Bonfire Night and shared their excitement when watching the fireworks. Today we enjoyed using our whole body to create large firework shapes using streamers, scarves, ribbons and finger lights. We then had a go at making these marks using crayon and pastel on black paper.

From Field to Fork

The children enjoyed picking apples from our orchard last week, comparing their size and shape and thinking of new ways to reach the highest apples. Following this, we used some of them to make our own apple cupcakes for the following days snack…..Delicious!

Meet our Pets

This week the children in Nursery have loved getting to know our Early Years pets; Ginger the guinea pig and our two chickens. We talked about what they look like and the children were very interested in feeding them and learning about what the animals eat.

Welcome to our 3-4 Year Old Nursery

Welcome to our 3-4 Year Old Nursery blog. Here we will celebrate what happens in our nursery.

You can see links to the archives or our previous blog posts if you hover your mouse over Home on the menu above.

Mrs J Garden

Autumn Walk

Despite the rain we still managed to head out to the woodland area for our Autumn walk today. We hunted for signs of Autumn and talked about what Autumn feels like.

Water Water Everywhere

Rain has been our focus in Nursery this week. The children were fascinated by the falling torrential rain earlier this week. As we watched the rainfall, we talked about the sound and feel of the rain on our skin and sang rainy day songs. Some of us even made up our own songs using words modelled by Mrs Garden such as pitter, patter, plop! The children also enjoyed exploring colour mixing using the puddles on our bench and of course making a big splash….apologies for any wet clothes but we did have lots of fun!